March 31, 2010

River Generalization

Figure 7. The original Lab 1 generalization map depicting two generalization algorithms as applied to a portion of the Grande Ronde River.

Figure 8. The revised Lab 1 generalization map depicting two generalization algorithms as applied to a portion of the Grande Ronde River.

For the map revision, the visual hierarchy scheme was applied to correct deficiencies in the original map layout. To shift focus away from certain map items, the word “legend” was removed from the legend, bold text was removed from the credits, and the north arrow was made less prominent. Smaller text was also used for the title and credits, and the line weight of the frame line was reduced. In addition, “boxes” around the title, legend, and written scale were removed. Finally, the legend, credits, north arrow, bar scale, and written scale were rearranged to fill “white space” and create a “balanced” map.

Non-hierarchical items were also modified during the map revision. First, an inset describing the regional location of the subject area was added; this inset included a legend, north arrow, scale bar, and the highlighted subject area. Second, a neatline was inserted to “clean up” the map’s appearance. Finally, the date and data source were added to the credits.

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